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Scott’s Roofing was established in 1973 by Bob Scott. He founded the company on two principles: superior workmanship and exceptional service. 

This philosophy has remained the cornerstone of success through three generations of his family. For decades, countless customers have been satisfied with Scott Roofing’s vast experience, modern equipment, and exceptional crew.

As a result, T. Scott Roofing has achieved a milestone this year. The company will celebrate its 50th anniversary—a significant feat considering that the average roofing company stays in business four years, according to the Roofer’s Guild.

Today, T. Scott Roofing is an original, second-generation family business, owned and operated by Bob’s son, Tommy Scott since 1983. Bob’s grandson, Tyler, serves as director of sales. Another of his grandchildren, Sarah Scott Varnadore, is office manager of the company.

“For us, it has been such an honor to take care of our customers for so many years,” Tommy says. “Though roofing has evolved over time, we’ve never lost sight of the fact that customer service is the number one way to build a business. If you take care of the customer, then the customer will take care of you. Our satisfied customers have continued to refer us to their friends and family members. For us, word of mouth is the best advertising and you can’t put a price on that.”

Potential customers should undoubtedly be impressed with a company that has been in business for 50 years. After all, longevity is one of the most valuable assets in choosing a roofing company.

The benefits of choosing a longtime and reputable roofing company are endless. in any industry, years of experience lead to a more knowledgeable team. Throughout the years, the Scott’s Roofing team has worked on countless projects and learned from each one. The extensive knowledge gained throughout half a century allows the company to better serve its clients. In addition, years of work has allowed Scott’s Roofing to fine-tune its operations, leading to better safety, customer service, and overall project efficiency.

During the past 50 years, Scott’s Roofing has learned a valuable lesson about business: trust and reputation are earned over time. The Scott family has shown time and time again that they can finish a job on schedule with quality workmanship.

“Many customers have been served by all three generations of our family,” Sarah says. “My Papa Scott put a roof on a family’s home, then my father has put a second roof on that same family’s home, and now Tyler will be putting a third roof on their home when it is needed. They keep coming back because they appreciate the quality service. Though roofing can be a complicated process, we make it as easy and simple as possible.”

For Tommy, working alongside his son and daughter is a point of pride. He sees each day how both strive to uphold the company’s legacy—a legacy with deep ties to family, to their craft, and, most importantly, their clients’ satisfaction.

“I grew up in the business with my father,” Tommy says. “I loved the trade and stuck with it. Tyler spent time in the truck with me just as I did with my father. Never in my wildest dreams did I think both Tyler and Sarah would be working here with me. As their father, I am extremely proud of both and appreciate their hard work and commitment.”

To say Tyler is proud to be part of the family-owned business is an understatement.

“My grandfather started a legacy in which I don’t think even he knew the kind of success and passion we would still be having in our family business this many years later,” he says.

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Sarah, who has been employed at T. Scott Roofing for three years, is equally passionate.

“How I came here happened very naturally because I had different plans than the family business,” she says. “But I can honestly tell you I thoroughly enjoy coming here every day and giving back to the company that helped raise me. I grew up with my aunt in the office, and it is a very satisfying, full circle moment to now BE the aunt in the office, helping my family still grow this business.”

At some point, Tommy plans to hand over the reins to Tyler, though that date has not been determined. However, there’s no doubt Tyler is adequately prepared to lead the company.

“Going forward, I don’t want to get too big to where we lose relationships and bonds with our customers,” Tyler says. “Many companies grow too big and as a result the quality of work suffers. We’ll never try to become the largest roofing company. Our goal has always been to offer the best quality products & service and that’s what we do. In fact, my dad and I are still very much hands-on with customers and our crews in our day to day roles to ensure that quality.”

Tyler has already made his mark by helping the company become an Owens Corning Platinum Preferred Contractor. This means T. Scott Roofing can offer exclusive perks that are only found at the Platinum level. Moreover, Owens Corning trains roofers on the installation of their high-quality products.

“We have to meet certain criteria to achieve this designation, so customers benefit in knowing we are vetted to Owen Corning’s high standards,” Tyler says. “We can also offer both a labor and material warranty that most roofing companies cannot offer.”

For Tommy, Tyler, and Sarah, including a charitable component to their business brings them much fulfillment. All three are graduates of Tavares High School and happily support local sports and arts programs. They’ve also provided many church sponsorships.

“We give back to the community that has given so much to us,” Sarah says.

There’s no doubt that this company raises the roof on quality workmanship, customer service, and community philanthropy.

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Without question, T. Scott Roofing has you covered.
